In Honour Of...

the movie that has just been release, I went to bought the first Bridget Jones's Diary. If you haven't read it yet... what are you waiting for?!?!?!?! Definitely a worth while read. You will not regret it. Promise.

I know I said that I'd start the Diamond Vest for my dad... and I did! Except that I realized that the vest would take a lot longer than the smaller winter accessories projects that are waiting to be given to friends. So, I've abandoned the vest (all 20 rows of it) and started the Multicoloured Garter Scarf. Such a fast knit! I'm half way through already. If I'm lucky (read: neglect all school work and knit straight through the next couple of days) I'll be ready to give it to my friend on Sunday. That is if I'll be able to tear myself away from Bridget.

ps... go read Bridget Jones!

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