
I was finally able to make it to the store and pick up some needles for Bad Penny today. As soon as I got home, I continued knitting on her and am proud to announce that I now have an inch of ribbing. Yay!

The picture of Bad Penny on makes her look a little short. I don't really like wearing shirts that show tummy skin, it's usually not such a good view down there. But I'm wondering if the tummy skin is showing because the model has low rise pants on. And if my pants aren't as low rise as hers will my tummy skin show? It's an issue that has been floating around in my head for a while now. So I've decided to make it a tad longer than I'm supposed to. Except I might run out of yarn, which is a bad thing. So I'm stuck right now and I'm not sure how much I want to extend it and it's all a big dilemma. I'll update you as the issue progresses.

I knit on the Coral socks all yesterday and I think I'm going to frog it. It might be too small. I didn't think my feet were all that large so I cast on for the medium size and that was probably where I went wrong. Last night, just to check, I stuck my toe into what I had knit and was horribly disgusted by the sight of the yarn stretching. It looked like the fabric had been attacked by some kind of yarn-eating disease. Ew... it was gross. All that laddering I was spewing about yesterday manifested itself in ridges along the knitting and.... oh ew... I don't even have the words to describe how gross it was. Absolutely horrendous. I'll spare you the details. So I will frog it and cast on for the large size and hope somehow to avoid the laddering. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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