That's the number of posts I still have to read on Bloglines. There are 7 blogs that I have completely neglected. Other blogs are getting close to being neglected. I don't think there's anyway for me to catch up on them all. After a little while of sitting in front of the computer, my eyes start getting blurry on me. This blurry-eyed problem is compounded by the fact that I stare at a computer all day at work. So I really don't think adding all those blogs to Bloglines was such a good idea... oh well, hopefully by the end of the summer I'll have gotten around to reading all those posts. Don't hold your breath though...

The second Coral Sock has been cast on and is my official "sitting-at-computer-reading-blogs" sock. You know what? Knitting the exact same pattern the second time is kinda boring...

The Shrug? is also progressing along nicely. I'm about half way through the sleeves, but I'm afraid of running out of yarn. (I have a habit of doing that, don't I?) Icord had the running out of yarn problem and I think I will be the second victim of the deadly disease. But since I don't have easy access to the yarn store where I purchased the yarn, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe my fairy yarn-mother will decide to grace me with her presence and magically produce more yarn. One can dream!

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